#!/bin/sh # Copyright 2005-11 NoZone, Inc. # # This script will update your network configuration to make it use # a static IP instead of a dynamic IP address based on the currently # obtained IP information. # # Currently supported OSes: # * Any Red Hat Based OS # * Any Debian Based OS DATE=`date +%s`; function netmask() { SLASH=$1 if (( $SLASH < 8 )); then A=$(( 256 - (2 ** (8 - $SLASH)) )); else A=255; fi if (( $SLASH < 16 )); then B=$(( 256 - (2 ** (16 - $SLASH)) )); else B=255; fi if (( $SLASH < 24 )); then C=$(( 256 - (2 ** (24 - $SLASH)) )); else C=255; fi D=$(( 256 - (2 ** (32 - $SLASH)) )); export NETMASK=$A.$B.$C.$D } # Detect the Linux Distribution by RPM or Deb Package Version if [ -e "/usr/bin/rpmquery" ] ; then # RPM-based Linux RELEASE=`rpmquery fedora-release redhat-release centos-release | grep -v 'not installed'` OS=`echo ${RELEASE} | awk -F- "{ print \\$1; }"`; VER=`echo ${RELEASE} | awk -F- "{ print \\$3; }"`; if [[ ${OS} == "" ]] ; then OS='rpm-based-unknown' fi elif [ -e "/usr/bin/dpkg-query" ] ; then # Deb-based Linux RELEASE=`dpkg-query -W base-files | awk "{ print \\$2; }" | grep -v 'No packages found'` DISTRO=`cat /etc/issue | awk "{ print \\$1; }"` if [[ ${DISTRO} == "Debian" && ${RELEASE} != "" ]] ; then VER=`echo ${RELEASE} | awk -F. "{ if ( \\$2 == \"\" ) { \\$2 = 0; } print \\$1\".\"\\$2; }"` OS='debian'; else OS='deb-based-unknown' fi fi # If no match is found, OS is completely unrecognized if [[ ${OS} == "" ]] ; then OS='unknown' fi if [ -e '/sbin/ip' ] ; then if [[ $1 == "" ]] ; then DEVICE=`ip r l | grep default | cut -d' ' -f5` if [[ ${DEVICE} == "" ]] ; then DEVICE=eth0 fi else DEVICE=$1 fi echo Staticizing ${DEVICE}... TEST=`ip link show ${DEVICE} 2>&1 | grep "not exist"` if [[ ${TEST} != "" ]] ; then echo " * Error: Device ${DEVICE} does not exist!"; exit 1; fi GATEWAY=`ip route show dev ${DEVICE} scope global | tr " " "\n" | egrep "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+"` CIDR=`ip addr show dev ${DEVICE} | grep 'inet ' | awk '{ print $2; }'` IPADDR=`echo ${CIDR} | awk -F/ '{ print $1; }'` SLASH=`echo ${CIDR} | awk -F/ '{ print $2; }'` netmask ${SLASH}; else echo " * Error: Please install the iproute package!"; exit 1; fi if [[ ${OS} == "centos" || ${OS} == "fedora" || ${OS} == "redhat" ]] ; then echo " * This is a Red Hat system layout (${OS}/${VER})..."; echo " * Adding the default gateway (${GATEWAY})..." cd /etc/sysconfig mv network network.staticize.${DATE} grep -v GATEWAY network.staticize.${DATE} > network echo "GATEWAY=${GATEWAY}" >> network echo " * Adding the ip address (${IPADDR}) and netmask (${NETMASK})... " cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts mv ifcfg-${DEVICE} staticize-ifcfg-${DEVICE}.${DATE} grep -e '\(DEVICE\|TYPE\|ONBOOT\|HWADDR\|IPV6INIT\|IPV6ADDR\|IPV6_DEFAULTGW\)' staticize-ifcfg-${DEVICE}.${DATE} > ifcfg-${DEVICE} echo "BOOTPROTO=static" >> ifcfg-${DEVICE} echo "IPADDR=${IPADDR}" >> ifcfg-${DEVICE} echo "NETMASK=${NETMASK}" >> ifcfg-${DEVICE} echo " * Rewriting /etc/resolv.conf..." mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.staticize.${DATE} touch /etc/resolv.conf echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf echo "options rotate timeout:1" >> /etc/resolv.conf echo " * Restarting network service to complete configuration..." service network restart; echo " * Complete! "; elif [[ ${OS} == "debian" ]] ; then echo " * This is a Debian system layout (${OS}/${VER})..."; echo " * Adding the settings (${IPADDR}; gw: ${GATEWAY}; nm: ${NETMASK})..." cd /etc/network cp interfaces interfaces.staticize.${DATE} sed -i "s/allow-hotplug ${DEVICE}/auto ${DEVICE}/" interfaces sed -i "s/iface ${DEVICE} inet dhcp/\ iface ${DEVICE} inet static\ \n address ${IPADDR}\ \n netmask ${NETMASK}\ \n gateway ${GATEWAY}\ \n dns-nameservers\ \n/" interfaces echo " * Rewriting /etc/resolv.conf..." mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.staticize.${DATE} touch /etc/resolv.conf echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf echo " * Restarting network service to complete configuration..." /etc/init.d/networking restart echo " * Complete! "; else echo " * This is ${OS} ${VER}..."; echo " * Error: Unsupported OS: ${OS}"; fi